Kamis, 30 November 2017

Warning The Secret Not for You

Since long I have noticed the movements of traders in marketing his merchandise, there is a unique and there is a blunty. At first I did not want to share this secret, but pity also if during this time the mothers are not given the right information.
Let this secret be for you alone, do not give to people who do not know ya. Later misunderstood or misused, resulting in unwanted things. Because this is really for beginner mothers.
Why is it unique? Because many traders who seem to be intelligence officers, disguise before showing his wares. He waited for safe time, when the officer turned away from him. He squatted on the sidewalk watching the situation, while his stuff was still hidden. Not yet held to potential buyers.
Others like to be outspoken. Why bluntly? Because this type of merchant does not covertly hold merchandise. He immediately spread out a mat on the sidewalk. Without fear of being arrested by Satpol PP officers. Though opposite looks downriver officers, it seems he escaped from supervision. This type of trader usually makes his rival envy. Because they think this type is the care of officers, so he is free and escape from the officer's eyes.
Let's get to the heart of the discussion. For prospective buyers or customers who like to shop at malls and department stores it's not strange.
But there is uniqueness when hunting items in the Garden City or on the sidewalk. Imagine, the goods offered them import quality. Good stuff and lots of choices.
If we arrived at the city park for a morning jog, there are already many coming. They are really the ones who want to jog, but also mingle in the prospective traders, who are waiting for the situation to be safe. Notice that if someone carrying a small pouch is dabbled, it may be a prospective merchant.
Do not hesitate to ask him, where are the children's clothing merchants who usually hung here? If he answers do not know, it means he is not a prospective trader. But, if he answered, what do you need? then he then tried to convince himself that he was a merchant and then not how long it would show the necessities that the mothers were looking for, he was a real trader.
Believe me, he is not the original type of street hawkers. Maybe he was a student, or a bank clerk who helped enliven the atmosphere by selling children's clothes, just like my neighbors did. He is a bank clerk, but in time off or weekend come to sell in the city park.
He and his brother brought a car full of various clothing and clothing, took the title mat in the arena car free day.
Then if if you see a mother while carrying her child like going jogging through there, but not how long he paced in that place-that's certainly the mother is a merchant who will be mat title too.
There is another father sitting behind a luxury car that opened his trunk, he is also a trademark shirt screen printing.
Also, there are some SPGs (sales promotion girls) clustered near the minibus, they are clothing store clerks who are assigned employers to sell in the city park.
Then when it's time to sell, they simultaneously title mats each market their goods. Just imagine.
So essentially, believe me the quality of clothing or embroidered fashion they offer is good quality, trendy, and cheap price.
Not that the goods from street vendors less good, but the price remains competitive.
They mingle with hundreds of original street vendors, who sell on sidewalks, when the car free day takes place. Not to mention the enlivened atmosphere with the arrival of entrepreneurs and large resellers, who took part selling in the city park Tasikmalaya.
But, car free day area in Tasikmalaya City is now moved to the area of Cilembang. Street vendors have filled the road since the flea market to the former Cilembang mark.
Well, for clothing or import-quality clothing, the traders are concentrated in the former Cilembang terminal. So, what are you waiting for, time your holiday in this new free day car area.
Hopefully this information is useful for you who want to hunting clothes or clothing of high quality children at low prices.***

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